Friday, October 24, 2008

Weight Loss Challege Update!

Alright I have calculated the information and I now have the winner for round 2 Weight Loss Challenge. Thank you for all those who participated. The results were not that pretty. We had a total of 5 people involved in the challenge and only 2 of them actually lost weight. I guess the rest wanted to donate to the winner.

The Winner is ...........Mike Childers.......come on down you have won the event. So those of us who are losers we will need fork over the money and I will be contacting you individually. And those of us who see Mike will get to hear all the gloating for his victory. You know we only have ourselves to blame for that one. I am up for round 3 if we have any takers. With which I will destroy you all. I was thinking a Thanksgiving to Easter challenge.


Jon said...

I'm in it to win it!
My weight will be great!
I'll get thin in order to win!

I think my amazing lyrical abilities show not only the immense talent that I possess, but also my desire to dominate.

(by the way, i like it that you're blogging again!)

Bill Taylor said...

I pitty the fool who will go up against me. I will Get R done