Monday, May 19, 2008

W - Time

Getting closer to the date when I will be in Wisconsin. Selling a house is a ton of work. I have come to realize that I don't like painting. I already knew this, but these past two weeks have confirmed it indefinitely. I will in the future take a serious look at how much it would cost to hire it out. I have painted 5 areas, and in just one room I primed twice and put 2 finishing coats on it. I have once come across that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Painting is insane.

On a positive side I finally broke down and purchased a power washer. That of course did mean I washed the entire outside of the house. So much fun, but so little time to use it.

I am always looking for what God is trying to teach me. There is nothing like it when God starts to smack you around. I think I am being refined in patience and being a more humble servant through this . Well off to clean out the garage a little tonight or maybe I need to put more things into the attic storage.....anyway the list keeps growing, the the power of the energizer bunny. I know that the end is coming soon, when I will be sitting in my house somewhere in Wisconsin sipping sweet root beer pulled right from the tap. Ahhhhhhhhhhh good times....good times.

1 comment:

Jon said...

Burn the house, collect the insurance, get out of Dodge ... it's all right there in Leviticus