Tuesday, May 6, 2008

We are Moving

Well it is official....We are moving back to Wisconsin. This of course is bitter sweet because I do like it down here. In a tribute to the south I am going to compile a list of things I liked about the south.

1. Sweet Tea (not the north kind of sweet tea)
2. Winter Sunny Days
3. No shoveling snow
4. Crepe Myrtles
5. Peaches that can be picked from a tree
6. Christmas Parades
7. Pace of Life
8. Chick-Fil-A
9. Friendly People
10. Did I mention Sweet Tea.....

And I will also list the things that I won't miss

1. Snakes
3. My Children picking up an accent
4. Super Hot Summers
5. The fact I could not find a good brand of bread
6. NASCAR Junk
7. Water restrictions
8. Far away from family


Brian M. Childers said...

Looking forward to seeing you back bro! :)


Jon said...

Look at it this way ... now you'll never have to miss the draft!

Cheeves said...

What's wrong with your kids picking up an accent? South Sweet Tea is pretty awesome. My Grandmother never puts less than one entire metric ton of sugar in her picture of tea. Makes Chick-Fil-A tea taste like watered down dishwater.
