Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sweet Root Beer

Now, I am not sure how many know this but I challenged my brother and father in-law to a little weight loss competition. We started on January 1st and ended April 1st. I won't comment on the magnitude of my victory......... but I will say I will be drinking some sweet Sprecher root beer. A big factor to losing the weight was because we had First Place class at my church. Glory to God that a study was provided that encouraged me to keep the motivation when others...well dropped out. So far I have lost 30 lbs since the beginning of the year. To my brother in law....Get R Done. Round II will be proposed when I get back the dairy and cheese land.


Jon said...

30 pounds? Nice! Do you have a bigger goal than that?

Bill Taylor said...

Yes,30 Pounds was round 01. I am going to see if I can maintain the loss for the next few weeks and then propose round II which I am looking to lose min of 20 lbs by labor day.

Jon said...

That would be impressive. Too bad you still wouldn't be able to dunk like I do.

Brian M. Childers said...


I'm ready to bring my game on for round 2. :)
